I recently purchased some packs of trees produced by Rock Island Hobbies. They do a small range of trees in various sizes and types. Because these are intended to be "planted" on Temsfield I chose the deciduous in 2 sizes and the white pine. First impression is how well packed they are. Each tree is in an individual hard shell so there is little chance of them getting squashed (unless you have a pet elephant). The trunks and branches are made from wire but a step up from the "loo brush" offerings of the past. The foliage is a foam type substance similar to Woodland Scenics, which is fairly well fixed in place. The trunk and branches are flexible enough that they can be bent to any shape with tweezers. This means you can make each tree individual.

I thought that some of the trees were a little too bright so by using WW Scenics layering spray glue I set about altering them.
The glue was sprayed on and then the trees were sprinkled with flock powder and then lightly sprayed again to make sure the flock was fixed in place. I can't tell you what make or colour I used as it was some left over from another layout. Any make or colour would be suitable - the choice is yours. As you can see from the photos below it has taken the brightness out of them. Some of the packs have much darker foliage so if you didn't like the colour the reverse would work - glue and then a lighter flock powder.

The 3 centre trees are the original colour, the outside ones have been modified.

Again, the left hand one is modified, the right hand one is the original.
They are not expensive and make decent trees for a reasonable price.
They are being distributed in this country by Gaugemaster Controls and should be available from most model shops if you ask for them.